At the Fluenz Spanish Immersion we love success stories

Everything we do, we do for our participants. The Fluenz Spanish Immersions are about teaching, connecting and offering the most engaging and productive Spanish program anywhere. We want our students to experience the joy of learning Spanish and the satisfaction of reaching their next level. And nothing pleases us more than seeing the magic happen before our eyes.

Anne Moore showed us in our first Fluenz Immersion pilot how powerful the combination of our digital offering with the week-long program could be. She spoke zero Spanish when she started the digital program. She finished Fluenz Digital 1+2+3+4+5 on her own and then came to the week-long Immersion, completing the entire program in a year. By the end, her Spanish fluency was brilliant, and we were as thrilled as she was with her success.

She’s an example to people who wonder if adults can learn languages, or if there is an age after which people shouldn’t even try. You can and should try to learn a language at any age, and at our Spanish Immersions we’re ready to help you make it happen.